Well I'd not been home long, (my new home that is) when Al was talking about taking me on a day out. I'd never seen the sea, having come from the midlands you see.
I've just realised too, that you haven't seen a picture of me yet! Well here I am, looking out of the flat over the River Tyne, towards the open sea. All these people going past, lot's of movement, so exiting!
Soon home again but it's not long before I hear Al chatting to Sandy about another adventure. Sandy can't come on this one, so just me and Al. This one is about water, too. Strange I've often heard the water flowing past in my life...
Not in the car this time either!
I seem to remember my Mum, Di, saying she'd go out on her bike, or was it her fella's (?). I think it was a 'Hardly Davidson' or something, but this the real thing a BMW. Think one of my ancestors had one too.
I know I know, I've not got my helmet on, but won't a bonnet do instead? Sandy says she'll make one for me!
Just down the lane from the house, it's about to chuck it down. mmmm last throw of the summer weather I think! Sandy does the photo and heads back into the warmth, good idea I think!
I'm tucked away in the warmth for the journey and the next stop is in Folkestone for an overnight in a local B&B. Not too wet actually on the way down either. Warmer too darn sarf (what ever that means?). That said, going over the Dartford Bridge was miserable. Cold wet and getting dark. Cars nose-to-tail. People drive like this down here every day it seems...
B&B not bad at all £29 inc full English in the morning. Owner had even designed the gate onto his front paved garden, so it hinges in the middle to allow bikes to park nice and safely off the road.
Next morning and we're off. Leisurely start as we're going on the train at about 11am. What about the bike then Al?
'Just park there sir, against the kerb, it first gear, no need for straps'.
They all know each other so Al introduces himself and me too. We have Richard ('Wapping'), Andy ('Brenchlyhibs'), ('Wilbert') Kev ('KevB') and Paula (who has no nickname!). Nice people, accepted me straight away, no probs or dramas, a normal event for these guys!
Off on the other side and away. Weather looking good and stays that way, getting better and better. Yes!
We pass through the outskirts of Albert and stop in the centre for a brew. In the square is the Town Hall (La Mairie). Looked like there was a wedding on as the wedding 'car' was waiting outside....
In the back was a bed of straw along with a live rabbit, a hen and a cock bird! All sat there looking at us as though we were the odd ones! Al did video it, but his phone was to blow up a couple of weeks later, hah, that'll teach him to back his phone up!
On to St Quentin for the night then in the 'La Florence' hotel and a great night out in a local 'American bar' - when in Rome and all that!
Route to St Quentin
Up sharpish in the morning and we're off. We're heading west to hit the coast and then up, back towards Calais for the Chunnel back again. We're with a great bunch of guys. They're fun, laid back and ride well, quietly disciplined and without attitude. Chance to squirt on a bit and have fun when you want to, but steady away is fine too. No dramas, just fun and scenery. Only downside is you just can't stop without notice when you see something you really want to photograph. A moped with strings of onions hanging from it, surely the stripy-topped rider would be back in a minute? oh well.